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Visit to Truro Cathedral

Mellor Church Choir are singing at Truro Cathedral from 29th July to 4th August 2024.
Here is the information for reference.
Mellor Church Choir at Hereford.jpg

Who is coming?

Below (aqua buttons) are up to date lists of who is singing and who is joining the trip as a supporter.

Truro High School for Girls.jpg


Below (light grey buttons) are the instructions sent from Tom including the schedule for the trip, joining instructions and notes on dress and behaviour.. 

Also included here is the trip risk assessment and important safeguarding information.

truro cathedral.png

Visiting choir info from truro cathedral

Below (charcoal buttons) is the information sent by Truro Cathedral to choirs that they invite to sing at the cathedral. 

Contains additional information for reference including organist instructions. 

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